The show “The Glass of the Architects: Vienna 1900-1937” and the Glass Tea House by Hiroshi Sugimoto will be open until 10pm. Students on the school-to-work programme “Speaking with Art” will host visitors for the occasion
On 18th June 2016, for ArtNight Venice 2016, LE STANZE DEL VETRO presents a programme of late openings and special tours. The show "The Glass of the Architects: Vienna 1900-1937" will be open until 10pm with four free guided tours, in Italian and English, at 5pm, 6pm, 7:30pm and 9pm (no booking required). From 6pm, students from Year 3 of the Liceo Artistico in Venice that have taken part in the school-to-work programme "Speaking with Art”, will greet visitors with a small gift created at the time, inspired by the graphic motives of the works on show. From 8pm the glass master Matteo Seguso will give demonstrations of the traditional technique of engraving by hand. On this occasion the "Glass Tea House Mondrian" will also remain open until 10pm, the pavilion designed by Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto.